This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding while delivering services in schools and emphasizes our responsibility to act in accordance with local authority procedures when necessary.
1. Scope of this Policy
This safeguarding policy applies to all staff, consultants, and contractors engaged by Codevelo when supporting schools. It outlines the specific responsibilities we have in relation to safeguarding children while providing our services.
While we will primarily operate within the safeguarding framework of the schools we work with, we are also guided by our professional duty of care, which prioritises the safety of the child above all other factors.
When engaging in work, we will request a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and ask for confirmation of how we can best adhere to your policy. This will likely include Enhanced DBS Checks, Photo ID, required training etc.
2. Legislative and Guidance Framework
Our approach to safeguarding is informed by the following key legislation and guidance:
- Children Act 1989 and 2004: Establishes the fundamental principles of safeguarding children, ensuring the welfare of children is paramount.
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006: Provides a framework for ensuring individuals who work with children are suitably vetted and do not pose a risk.
- The Children and Families Act 2014: Reinforces the importance of providing support for children and young people to ensure their well-being.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024: Provides guidance to schools and educational professionals on the statutory duties regarding safeguarding, including responsibilities to identify and act on concerns regarding the safety of children.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018: Details the legal framework for how schools, local authorities, and other agencies should work together to safeguard children.
- The Prevent Duty (Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015): Outlines the requirement for schools to protect children from radicalisation and extremism.
3. Our Duty of Care and Safeguarding Responsibilities
In all our engagements with schools, we will adhere to the highest standards of safeguarding practice. The safety of children is our paramount concern. Our safeguarding duties include:
Compliance with School Policies: In the first instance, we will operate under the safeguarding policies of the school we are supporting. This includes following the school’s procedures for reporting and managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring that we act in line with the school’s safeguarding arrangements.
Clear Reporting Channels: If we identify a safeguarding concern during our involvement with the school, we will immediately report the issue to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in the school, following the school’s established procedures. If the DSL is unavailable, we will escalate the matter to another senior member of staff.
Professional Duty of Care: We are bound by our professional duty of care to act in the best interests of the child. If, for any reason, it is not appropriate to follow the school’s safeguarding policy (e.g., when there is a conflict of interest or the school is unable to act on the concern), we will take immediate steps to escalate the concern to the relevant local authority or appropriate safeguarding body. This includes situations where the school is not able to respond to safeguarding concerns in a timely or appropriate manner.
Referral to Local Authority: If we believe a child is at risk of harm and the school is unable to act, or the safeguarding concern is significant, we will escalate the issue to the relevant local authority or child protection agency. We will ensure that all information about the concern is shared promptly, confidentially, and in line with local authority safeguarding procedures.
Confidentiality: We will maintain confidentiality in line with data protection legislation (GDPR) and safeguarding best practices. However, confidentiality may be breached in situations where it is necessary to protect a child from harm.
4. Procedures for Reporting Safeguarding Concerns
- Identifying Safeguarding Concerns: All [Your Company Name] staff are trained to recognize signs of abuse or neglect. This includes physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect, as well as signs of radicalization or exposure to extremist views.
- Internal Reporting: When a concern arises, it must be reported immediately to the appointed Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or other senior staff member at the school.
- Escalation Process: If for any reason the concern cannot be addressed by the school or the DSL, the concern will be escalated to the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) or the relevant local authority safeguarding team. This may involve making a referral to children’s social care or, in emergency situations, to the police.
- Support for Victims: If a safeguarding concern is confirmed, the child will be supported appropriately in line with the school’s policies. We will work with the school to ensure the child’s emotional and physical well-being is prioritized, providing the necessary referrals for support services as required.
5. Training and Awareness
All staff at Codevelo will receive safeguarding training that is updated annually. The training will cover:
- Identifying signs of abuse and neglect
- Understanding local safeguarding policies and procedures
- The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Reporting and escalation procedures
- The Prevent Duty and preventing radicalization
- How to handle disclosures of abuse or concern
6. Preventing Radicalization and Extremism
In addition to traditional safeguarding issues, we recognize the importance of safeguarding children from radicalization and extremism. As part of our commitment to the Prevent Duty, we will:
- Provide staff with training on how to identify signs of radicalization
- Work with schools to ensure that any concerns regarding radicalization are reported and addressed in accordance with the school’s safeguarding policies and local authority guidelines
7. Safeguarding and Recruitment
We are committed to ensuring that all staff and associates involved in the delivery of services to schools undergo appropriate background checks. This includes Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, references from previous employers, and checks for any relevant professional qualifications. We will ensure that recruitment practices are in line with safeguarding requirements and that our staff are fit to work with children.
8. Review and Monitoring
This safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains in line with current legislation, guidance, and best practices. Any changes to relevant legislation, such as amendments to the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) or other safeguarding frameworks, will be reflected in updates to this policy.
9. Conclusion
The safeguarding and welfare of children is of paramount importance to Codevelo. Our staff are trained to recognize signs of abuse and neglect, and we will always act in the best interests of the children we work with. Through collaboration with schools, local authorities, and safeguarding agencies, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of child protection.
In situations where a school cannot or does not fulfill its safeguarding responsibilities, we will ensure that appropriate action is taken to protect the child, referring concerns directly to the relevant authorities.
- This policy will be shared with every school upon engaging in any of our services.
- This policy will be reviewed annually.
- Last reviewed: January 2025